Friday, May 7, 2010

Potty Training

Well, sitting zombie like in front of the computer before bedtime and I'm thinking I should write a post.
This morning while cleaning up the endless pee accidents (thank god it was just that) of potty training two less than inspired boys (but their parents are inspired to have them be potty trained) I thought up the perfect "vent" blog. I had it all layed out in my head. How I was going to go over some successful potty training techniques and some not so successful potty training techniques. I was going to add some encouraging words of advice and a few warnings. I was wondering if I could go back and actually find those cute pictures of my kids sitting on the potty when they were going through the process, and add them to my perfect potty training blog. And, as I was leaning over the toilet bleaching the heck out of the underside backside of the toilet where boy pee ends up puddeling, I was thinking of adding the sage words of advice, spoken from Bear in "The Big Blue House" (no kid these days even knows who "Bear" is) which is: "If you THINK you have to go potty you probably DO have to go potty!" Anyway, I was thinking of all this and then I washed my hands with really hot soapy water. It was soothing. warm, nice. Kindof like a mini spa treatment. And then I forgot all about my blog rant. Because, by then, it was lunch time and I needed to go cook lunch.

Happy Friday, have a nice weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Cash is going to love this when he's a teenager!

