Monday, September 13, 2010

We Play.... color mixing with milk

We're talking about fall colors around here... the leaves are just beginning to transform from green to yellow, orange, brown and red.  In honor of this yearly event, we've been exploring colors and how they can change when mixed with another color. And then I came across this
really cool you tube video that showed me how to do color mixing with milk. So we did. It was pretty neat. You can do it too... here's how:
Materials needed: shallow dish (clear works well), food coloring, dish soap, milk.

Step One:
Pour milk to cover the bottom of the dish. Place drops of food coloring around the edge of the dish.

Step Two:
Add a drop of food coloring to the middle of the dish.

Step Three:
Prepare to be amazed....

And then, just for fun? I dropped a drop of yellow and blue food coloring into everyone's milk and guess what? It made GREEN... wow. what fun!
This post is linked up to the Childhood 101, We Play Tuesday.
Come play with us

We Play


  1. I actually have some food colouring in the house for a change, so we may just have to give this a go, as colour mixing has been a topic of conversation and play today :)

  2. food coloring is always fun - and I need to do that milk and food coloring experiment with my kids!

  3. That's so cool! Thanks for sharing and thanks for commenting on my blog. NIce to meet you!

  4. i haven't done this before, will have to try it

  5. Such fun ways to reinforce the fantastic learning taking place :)

    Thanks for being part of We Play.
