Friday, July 15, 2011

don't blink, you might miss it...

it's been happening to me a lot lately. I'll be driving along, or walking along, or riding my bike along (you get the picture) and I'll be in a rush because I'm late picking up the kids from camp, or late getting back to open my childcare in time, or mentally checking off the list of things that need to get done (and, right now, that list is pretty big, with moving and all), or coming back from the grocery store and trying to decide how fast I can put all the groceries away because we are late for a BBQ, or somehow being distracted from life because of how... hectic. crazy. busy. insane. my life is right now.  And then the light will be filtering through the trees just so.... or the clouds will be settling around the sleeping giant's head preparing for an amazing sunset... or the scent of wild rose will sweep me away... or the full moon will rise over the mountain.  And suddenly time stops for a moment or two. And I think, right now. this very second. it's almost too beautiful to comprehend.
 life. is. amazing.  
MY LIFE is amazing!
 I am so lucky. SO VERY LUCKY.  and I love life. 
 and I want it to be just like this forever.  this one moment in time.  And I don't want to blink or breathe because the spell will be broken.  And I glory in it all for a second or two.  And then I come up to a stop sign. Or a horn honks somewhere.  Or my kids get rowdy in the back of the car... or something.
And life goes on.  and the beautiful moment has passed. sigh. 
but it's left a warm and fuzzy feeling inside of me that goes on and on and on... 
ahhhh summer! It's heaven.


  1. So lyrical, Tracy. Well said!

  2. Yes. This happens All the time.Beautiful post.
