Saturday, November 1, 2014

Halloween: A Retrospective

2003: Theo was a pumpkin his first Halloween
 (and I was a witch)

 2004:  My computer blew up and I lost all the photos from Theo's second Halloween, but he was a cute little alligator that had just learned how to walk. 
(and I was a witch)

2005:  Theo and his buddy Toby were Buzz Lightyear and Adi was a fuschia flower. 
(and I was a witch)

2006: Adi was an adorable bunny rabbit with an enormous tail and Theo was superman. 
(and I was a witch)

2007: Theo was batman, and Adi was a bumblebee that enjoyed walking backwards to sting people with her stinger. (and I was a witch)

2008 The next year they were Luke Skywalker and a Unicorn. (and I was a witch)

2009: Adi was a ladybug and Theo was a vampire. (and I was a witch)

2010:  The year we went to Carbondale to experience house-to-house trick or treat...
 They were a Ninja and the Sugarplum Fairy (and I was a witch)

2011 The next year they were a jailbird and a skeleton princess (and I was a witch)

2012 The next year they were an Indian princess and a clown (and I was a witch)

2013 The next year a werewolf and a little devil (and clown) 

which brings us up to this year (2014): a shadow man and a creepy witch. and I was a witch too !(surprise!)

Happy Halloween!

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